
About Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Capital Campaign at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Exciting Events at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Ministries at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Worship at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Photos from Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Exciting Events are Happening at OSLC

Bunko Night at OSLCNewsletters and Calendars


·         October 2011 Newsletter


·         October 2011 Calendar


·         September 2011 Newsletter and Church Calendar


·         OSLC Congregation Constitution









Announcements and Events

Congregational Meeting

Our annual meeting of the congregation will be today, January 29th at 11:45 a.m. The meeting will be followed by our 5th Sunday Potluck luncheon. Be sure to come and share in the business of our congregation. We will be electing church council members, settling the budget for 2012, and conducting the necessary business of the church.


Funeral today

Carol Pattings, a long-time member of our congregation, passed away last Sunday evening. Her service will be this afternoon at 3 p.m. here at Our Saviour’s. Please keep Carol’s husband, Larry, and their family in your prayers.


New Study – Young Families/Young Couples

Our young families/young couples group is starting a new study entitled “Growing Kids God’s Way”. The study will meet on Sunday evenings at 5:00 each Sunday evening and will continue for 16 more Sundays. Nursery will be provided. Please call Tracy Underwood 903-521-7517 or the church office for more details.


Souper Bowl Sunday

The 2012 Annual Canned Soup drive is here. Please bring your cans of soup to the church up to SuperBowl Sunday on February 5th.


Superbowl Subs

Our High School youth are again selling submarine sandwiches for Super Bowl Sunday, February 5th. Please order them this week for pick up before you go home, next Sunday, February 5th, Superbowl Sunday. The cost is $7.00


The Second Annual Quilt-a-Thon

Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Quilting Marathon set for February 11, 2012. This is a special event, dear to our hearts, that involves everyone willing to donate a morning or an afternoon to take part in providing a warm quilt to someone in-need. A sign up sheet is in the Narthex for this event. In addition, the quilters will also be raffling off a quilt in February. The drawing for the quilt will be Feb.11 during the Marathon. Don’t miss this special time.


Food Bank

Just a reminder to our members during these tough economic times. We do an ongoing collection of food that we share in our community, and we always keep food on hand. If receiving food would be of help to you and your family, please contact Pastor Mark or Carol. We very much want to be sure that we take care of all in our family of faith!


North Texas Mission District has a new Dean

Pastor Mark was elected as the first elected Dean of the North Texas Mission District of the North American Lutheran Church at the NTMD meeting on Saturday, January 21st. We had 13 people from our church representing Our Saviour’s. It was a super day!


High School Youth Group

Here is our February schedule for our High School Youth:

· Sunday, Feb. 5th—In the morning we make and sell SuperBowl Sub Sandwiches (remember the funds raised by this will be used for our trips and activities!). In the evening we go to Joe and Jana Coke’s to watch the SuperBowl.

· Friday, Feb. 17th to Sunday, Feb 19th—Youth Gathering at Lutherhill. This is always great fun. We will leave here late Friday afternoon and return late Sunday afternoon.


Council Retreat

Our annual all-day Church Council retreat is next Saturday, February 4th, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the church.












©2011 Our Saviour's Lutheran Church; 4900 Kinsey Dr; Tyler Texas 75703; (903) 561-1865